My life was very different. Within the year that passed, I moved to a different continent, stopped working, became a stay at home mom and started a long distance degree.
There are many aspects of my 'old life' that I miss every day. I miss my family, my friends, my house, my spacious garden, my car, my job, my son's nanny...what don't I miss?
However, within the process of relocating to the other end of the world, I have bonded with my son in a way that only time can allow. I have become infinitely more patient and my appreciation for family has grown immensely.
There are great days, good days and okay days.
The point I think, is to remember that this too shall pass. In a few months time, some challenges will be resolved, some forgotten and some ongoing.
Whatever life has presented you in the past year, I hope you share your story. It may be that nothing has changed in your life and you're hoping for a change. It may be that you are content with the life you have created for yourself and you are enjoying it. It may be that you have experienced something extraordinary that will change who you are forever.
I hope the stories shared on this blog may inspire and motivate all that come across them. The greatest stories told are the stories of the lives that we live each day.